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26 uniquely designed questions just for you to evaluate your skills in Think twice and answer quiz. Are you ready to challenge yourself and explore more? Let's get started and see how much you can score out of 26.

Test your wit and reasoning with this fun and challenging quiz. Packed with tricky questions and clever twists, it's a great way to exercise your brain and enjoy some mind-boggling fun. Can you outsmart these puzzles?

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1. A rooster lays an egg on the roof of a house. Which way does it roll?
Answer: None
Explanation: Roosters do not lay eggs!Report for correction
2. If a red house is made of red bricks, a blue house is made of blue bricks, what is a greenhouse made of?
Answer: Glass
Explanation: A greenhouse is made of glass, not green bricks.Report for correction
3. You are running a race and you pass the person in second place. What place are you in?
Answer: Second
Explanation: Passing the person in second makes you second, not first.Report for correction
4. How many months have 28 days?
Answer: 12
Explanation: All 12 months have at least 28 days.Report for correction
5. What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
Answer: A coin
Explanation: A coin has a head and tail, but no legs.Report for correction
6. What is full of holes but still holds water?
Answer: A sponge
Explanation: A sponge can hold water despite having holes.Report for correction
7. A man digs a hole 2 feet wide, 3 feet long, and 4 feet deep. How much dirt is in the hole?
Answer: None
Explanation: There is no dirt in the hole because it’s been dug out!Report for correction
8. If an electric train is moving north at 100 mph, and the wind is blowing south at 10 mph, which way does the smoke blow?
Answer: None
Explanation: Electric trains don’t produce smoke.Report for correction
9. A plane crashes on the border of two countries. Where are the survivors buried?
Answer: Nowhere
Explanation: Survivors aren’t buried—they’re alive!Report for correction
10. What’s heavier,a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?
Answer: Both are equal
Explanation: A pound is a pound, regardless of the material.Report for correction
11. How many times can you subtract 10 from 100?
Answer: 1
Explanation: After subtracting 10 once, you’re left with 90. You’re no longer subtracting from 100.Report for correction
12. If you have three apples and take away two, how many do you have?
Answer: 2
Explanation: You took two apples, so you have them.Report for correction
13. What has keys but can’t open locks?
Answer: Both B and C
Explanation: Both a piano and a keyboard have keys but can’t open locks.Report for correction
14. If two’s company, and three’s a crowd, what are four and five?


Answer: Nine
Explanation: Four plus five equals nine.Report for correction
15. If a dozen eggs cost $0.12, what does one egg cost?
Answer: $0.01
Explanation: A dozen is 12, so one egg costs $0.01.Report for correction
16. What has to be broken before you can use it?
Answer: An egg
Explanation: An egg must be broken to use it.Report for correction
17. What goes up but never comes down?
Answer: Age
Explanation: Your age only increases as time goes on.Report for correction
18. What can travel around the world while staying in the same place?
Answer: A stamp
Explanation: A stamp stays on an envelope but can travel worldwide.Report for correction
19. What has a bottom at the top?
Answer: A leg
Explanation: The bottom of your leg (foot) is at the top of your shoe.Report for correction
20. A truck is traveling under a low bridge, but its load is too tall. What should the driver do?
Answer: Deflate tires
Explanation: Deflating tires slightly lowers the truck’s height.Report for correction
21. How far can a dog run into the woods?
Answer: Halfway
Explanation: After halfway, the dog is running out of the woods.Report for correction
22. What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
Answer: The future
Explanation: The future is always ahead but invisible.Report for correction
23. What has many teeth but cannot bite?
Answer: A comb
Explanation: A comb has teeth but doesn’t bite.Report for correction
24. A doctor gives you three pills and tells you to take one every half hour. How long will they last?
Answer: 1 hour
Explanation: You take the first pill immediately, the second after 30 minutes, and the third after another 30 minutes.Report for correction
25. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?
Mount Everest


Answer: Mount Everest
Explanation: Even before its discovery, Mount Everest was still the tallest mountain.Report for correction
26. A farmer has 17 sheep, and all but 9 run away. How many sheep does the farmer have left?
Answer: 9
Explanation: The question says 'all but 9' sheep run away. This means 9 sheep are still there.Report for correction