1. What is the smallest 4 digit number?
2. What is the largest 4 digit number?
3. What is the place value of 2 in 2365?
4. What is the face value of 2 in 2365?
5. What is the greatest 4 digit number you can form by using 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 only once?
6. What is the smallest 3 digit number?
7. When we subtract 0 from any number, we get?
8. When we add 0 from any number, we get?
9. When we multiply 0 by any number, we get?
10. When we round off 2180 to the nearest 100, we get?
11. One kilometre is how many metres?
12. The symbol of Indian currency is?
13. 1 metre is how many centi metres?
14. What is the total minutes in 1 hour and 30 minutes?
15. Convert 24 hours into minutes?
16. What is the predecessor of 8358 is?
17. 1 Indian Rupee is how many Paise?
18. What is the short form of Sunday?
19. What is the short form of February?
20. When the minute hand is at 9 and hour hand is between 2 and 3, what is the time?
21. Find the correct number form of Two Thousand Fifty Seven?
22. How many thousands are there in 8651?
23. How many hundreds are there in 8600?
24. How many days are there in leap year?
25. How many days are there in December month?
26. The compact form of 500+30+2 ?
27. The place value and face value of 0 is always?
28. Seven hundred eighty two in numbers can be written as?
29. The successor of the number 2431 is?
30. The predecessor of the number 2431 is?
30 uniquely designed questions just for you to evaluate your skills in 3rd Grade Basic Maths quiz. Are you ready to challenge yourself and explore more? Let's get started and see how much you can score out of 30.
The quiz includes simple arithmetic problems, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as basic concepts of geometry and measurements.
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