1. What is the purpose of control structures in programming?
2. Which control structure is used to execute a block of code repeatedly while a condition is true?
3. In a while loop, how is the loop condition checked?
4. What is the purpose of an if-else statement?
5. Which logical operator represents "AND" in most programming languages?
6. In a switch statement, what happens if no case matches the provided value?
7. What does the "break" statement do in a loop or switch statement?
8. What is the result of the expression (5 > 3) && (7 < 10)?
9. In a do-while loop, when is the loop condition checked?
10. What is the purpose of the "else if" statement in control structures?
11. Which of the following is not a control structure in programming?
12. What is the result of the expression (4 + 6 * 2) / 3?
13. In a switch statement, what is the purpose of the "break" statement?
14. Which operator is used to represent "OR" in most programming languages?
15. What is the purpose of a "try-catch" block in programming?
16. Which control structure allows a program to perform different actions based on different conditions?
17. What does the "continue" statement do in a loop?
18. Which logical operator represents "NOT" in most programming languages?
19. In an if-else statement, what happens if none of the conditions are true and there is no "else" block?
20. What is the purpose of the "default" case in a switch statement?
21. Which control structure is used to create a loop that repeats indefinitely until a certain condition is met?
22. In a for loop, which part of the loop controls the iteration count?
23. What is the purpose of the "else" block in an if-else statement?
24. What is the result of the expression (10 % 3)?
25. What is the purpose of the "if" statement in control structures?
25 uniquely designed questions just for you to evaluate your skills in Control Structures and Logic quiz. Are you ready to challenge yourself and explore more? Let's get started and see how much you can score out of 25.
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