1. Who developed the first super computer in India?
Explanation: Vijay P. Bhatkar is known as the man behind India's first supercomputer – PARAM 8000.
Report for correction2. The smallest unit of information; a computer can understand and process is known as what?
Explanation: Bit is the smallest unit of information a computer can understand. A bit has a single binary value; either 0 or 1.
Report for correction3. Who is the father of computer?
Explanation: The father of computer is Charles Babbage; He originated the concept of a digital programmable computer.
Report for correction4. Non physical components of the computer are referred to as what?
Explanation: Non physical components of the computer is known as Software.
Report for correction5. What of these full form of e-mail?
Explanation: Electronic Mail is the full version of the word email. E-mail is a technique for communicating between people using electronic devices.
Report for correction6. A piece of equipment or hardware which helps us enter data into a computer is called?
Explanation: An equipment or hardware which helps us enter data into a computer is called Input device.
Report for correction7. Which of the following is not Computer Hardware?
Explanation: Mouse;Keyboard and Printer are the hardware devices. Browser is a software.
Report for correction8. What is the other name for desktop computer?
Explanation: The desktop computer is also known as Personal Computer or PC.
Report for correction9. What is known as Brain of Computer?
Explanation: The brain of computer is Central Processing Unit or CPU.
Report for correction10. Which of the following is a input device?
Explanation: The input device among these given option is Keyboard. Keyboard helps to input data to computer.
Report for correction11. Which of the following is a output device?
Explanation: The output device among these given option is Monitor. Monitor helps to output data to user.
Report for correction12. Which of the following is a software?
Explanation: Microsoft word is the software among the given optoins.
Report for correction13. Where the CPU and primary memory are located?
Explanation: The motherboard is the computer's main circuit board. It's a thin plate that holds the CPU; memory; connectors for the hard drive and optical drives.
Report for correction14. Click and double-click are achieved using which device?
Explanation: Click and double-click are achieved using Mouse device.
Report for correction15. Find the odd one among these?
Explanation: All others are hardware of a computer. Microsoft word is a software.
Report for correction16. Which of the following is a computer language?
Explanation: C Sharp is computer language developed by Microsoft.
Report for correction17. Which one of the following is NOT a computer language?
Explanation: Except MS-Excel all others are computer languages. MS-Excel is a software.
Report for correction18. If a computer has more than one processor then it is known as what?
Explanation: A Multiprocessor is a computer system with two or more central processing units share full access to a common RAM.
Report for correction19. Which of the following is the smallest computer?
Explanation: The Notebook is the smallest computer among the given options.
Report for correction20. Which of the following is known as India's first super computer?
Explanation: India's first supercomputer was rolled out in 1991; which was named PARAM 8000.
Report for correction21. What is known as mainboard of a computer?
Explanation: The motherboard is a computer's central communications backbone connectivity point; through which all components and external peripherals connect.
Report for correction22. What is the main memory of computer?
Explanation: The main memory of computer is Random Access Memory or RAM.
Report for correction23. What is the physical device of a computer system?
Explanation: The physical device of a computer system is called Hardware. There are two types of computer hardware: external and internal.
Report for correction24. Who was Bill Gates' co-founder in establishing Microsoft?
Explanation: Microsoft was co-founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. They started the company together on April 4, 1975, and played key roles in its early development and growth.
Report for correction25. Which of the following is NOT operating system?
Explanation: All others are Operating systems; where as Java is a programming language.
Report for correction26. The first page of a website is called?
Explanation: The first page of a website is called as Home page.
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