1. Earth is also known as the ________ planet?
Explanation: Earth is also know as Blue Planet; Because Over 71 percent of the Earth is covered with water. Therefore from outer space it appears blue and so Earth is called the 'Blue Planet'.
Report for correction2. How many years are there in one Millenium?
Explanation: 1000 Years are called one Millenium.
Report for correction3. Name the country known as the Land of the Rising Sun?
Explanation: Japan is known as Land of the Rising Sun.
Report for correction4. Name the longest river on the Earth?
Explanation: Nile is the longest river in the world. It extends 6;695 km (4;160 miles) in length.
Report for correction5. Name the National game of the USA?
Explanation: Base ball is the national game of the USA.
Report for correction6. Name the place known as the Roof of the World?
Explanation: Tibet is known as Roof of the world because its average height is more than 4000 m above the sea level.
Report for correction7. The baby frog is known as _______?
Explanation: The baby frog is known as Tadpole.
Report for correction9. We are able to taste food because of which sensory organ?
Explanation: Tongue helps us to feel the taste of food.
Report for correction10. Wellington is the capital of which country?
Explanation: Wellington is the capital of Newzealand.
Report for correction13. What is the capital of Karnataka State in India?
Explanation: Bangalore is the capital of Karnataka.
Report for correction15. What is the color of blood in human body?
Explanation: Red is the color of human blood.
Report for correction16. What is the colour of a sunflower?
Explanation: Yellow is the color of sunflower.
Report for correction17. What is the first color in a rainbow?
Explanation: Red is the first color in a rainbow.
Report for correction18. What is the name of our galaxy?
Explanation: Milky Way is the name of our galaxy. The name is derived from how we see it at night.
Report for correction19. What is the sound made by a frog?
Explanation: Croak Croak is the sound made by frog.
Report for correction20. Which festival is called 'Festival of Colors'?
Explanation: Holi is known as Festival of Colors.
Report for correction21. Which is the closest planet to Earth?
Explanation: The nearest planet to the Earth is Mercury. For a long time; Venus was thought to be the closest planet to Earth. However; Venus is only the nearest planet when it falls between the Earth and the Sun during its course of revolution.
Report for correction22. Which is the principal source of energy for the Earth?
Explanation: Sun is the main source of energy to planet earth.
Report for correction23. Which month has only 30 days?
Explanation: September is the month with 30 days among these.
Report for correction24. Which organ helps to feel the touch?
Explanation: Skin is the organ helps us to feel the touch.
Report for correction25. ________ is the largest ocean in the world?
Explanation: The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest of the world ocean basins. Covering approximately 63 million square miles
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