1. Which part of plant helps to absorb water?
Explanation: Root absorb water and minerals and transport them to stems.
Report for correction2. Which is not body part of a plant?
Explanation: Stem;Leaf;Flower are part of the plant.
Report for correction3. Im black in color; who am I?
Explanation: Crow is a bird which is in black color. But there are Crows; which are in white color also.
Report for correction4. Im in green color and I can whistle and talk; Who am I?
Explanation: Parrots are green in color; it can fly in the sky and can whistle and talk.
Report for correction5. I don’t sleep at night. I have a far sight and can turn my head almost all the way around; Who am I?
Explanation: Owls can turn its head all the way around and it will not sleep at night.
Report for correction6. Which animal gives milk to humans?
Explanation: Cow gives milk to humans. Milk is a source of many valuable nutrients; including Calcium; vitamin A; B; D and E.
Report for correction7. Which is the heaviest animal among this?
Explanation: Elephant is the heaviest animal. Male Asian elephants average 5;221 kg and may weight up to 6;810 kg.
Report for correction8. A human body has how many fingers in total?
Explanation: A human body has 20 fingers. 10 in hands and 10 in foots.
Report for correction13. We taste our food with our ________?
Explanation: We taste our food with our Tongue.
Report for correction17. Which is the tallest animal among these?
Explanation: Male giraffes are 16-18 feet (4.8-5.5 m) tall; females are 14-16 feet (4.2-4.8 m)
Report for correction19. Human's one hand has _______ fingers?
Explanation: Human body has 5 fingers in one hand.
Report for correction20. What is the fastest animal on earth?
Explanation: Cheetah is the fastest animal on earth. It is apable of reaching speeds of up to 70 mph.
Report for correction21. Name the highest mountain in the world?
Explanation: Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is as tall as 8;850 meters (29;035 feet).
Report for correction23. The home of dog is called _______?
Explanation: The home of dog is called Kennel.
Report for correction25. Which among these not a pet animal?
Explanation: Tiger is not a pet animal; It is a wild animal.
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