1. Which programming paradigm does C# primarily follow?
Explanation: C# is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language that focuses on classes and objects.
Report for correction2. What is the entry point method of a C# program?
Explanation: The Main method is the entry point of a C# program, where execution begins.
Report for correction3. How do you declare a variable in C#?
Explanation: Variables are declared by specifying the data type and variable name; such as int age.
Report for correction4. Which data type is used to store whole numbers in C#?
Explanation: The int data type is used to store whole numbers in C#.
Report for correction5. What is the correct syntax for a single-line comment in C#?
Explanation: Single-line comments in C# are written using // before the comment text.
Report for correction6. Which operator is used for exponentiation in C#?
Explanation: The double asterisk (**) operator is used for exponentiation in C#.
Report for correction7. What is the purpose of the Console.WriteLine method?
Explanation: The Console.WriteLine method is used to display text on the console.
Report for correction8. How do you get user input in C#?
Explanation: The Console.ReadLine() method is used to read user input from the console.
Report for correction9. What is the correct way to declare a constant in C#?
Explanation: Constants are declared using the const keyword followed by the data type; such as const int myConstant = 10.
Report for correction10. Which statement is used to make decisions in C#?
Explanation: The if statement is used for conditional decision-making in C#.
Report for correction11. Which loop structure is used to iterate a block of code until a condition is false?
Explanation: The while loop is used to repeat a block of code until a specified condition becomes false.
Report for correction12. How do you declare a method in C#?
Explanation: Methods are declared using the return type such as void, followed by the method name and parentheses, like void PrintName();.
Report for correction13. What is the purpose of the return statement in a method?
Explanation: The return statement is used to exit a method and provide a value to the caller.
Report for correction14. How do you define a class in C#?
Explanation: Classes are defined using the class keyword followed by the class name, such as class Person.
Report for correction15. What is encapsulation in C#?
Explanation: Encapsulation involves bundling data and methods that operate on the data within a single unit,known as a class, while hiding internal details from the outside.
Report for correction16. How do you instantiate an object of a class in C#?
Explanation: Objects are instantiated using the new keyword followed by the class name and parentheses , like Person person = new Person();.
Report for correction17. What does the static keyword indicate in C#?
Explanation: The static keyword indicates that a member variable or method belongs to the class rather than an instance of the class.
Report for correction18. How do you access a member of a class using an object in C#?
Explanation: Members of a class are accessed using the dot notation, like person.Name.
Report for correction19. What is the purpose of the using directive in C#?
Explanation: The using directive is used to bring namespaces into scope; allowing you to use types from those namespaces without fully qualifying them.
Report for correction20. What is an array in C#?
Explanation: An array is a data structure that can store multiple values of the same data type under a single variable name.
Report for correction21. How do you access elements of an array in C#?
Explanation: Elements of an array are accessed using square brackets and the element's index, like myArray[0].
Report for correction22. What is the purpose of the foreach loop in C#?
Explanation: The foreach loop is used to iterate through elements of an array, collection, or other enumerable object.
Report for correction23. What is an exception in C#?
Explanation: Exceptions are used to handle runtime errors and exceptional situations in a controlled manner.
Report for correction24. How do you handle exceptions in C#?
Explanation: Exceptions are handled using the try-catch block, where code that may throw an exception is placed within the try block, and exception-handling code is placed within the catch block.
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