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20 uniquely designed questions just for you to evaluate your skills in Windows Keyboard Shortcuts quiz. Are you ready to challenge yourself and explore more? Let's get started and see how much you can score out of 20.

Learn essential shortcuts for productivity, navigation, and multitasking. Perfect for beginners and experts alike

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1. What is the shortcut to open File Explorer in Windows?
Answer: Windows and E
Explanation: Pressing Windows and E quickly opens File Explorer on Windows.Report for correction
2. What shortcut minimizes all open windows?
Answer: Windows and M
Explanation: The Windows and M shortcut minimizes all open windows instantly.Report for correction
3. What is the shortcut to switch between open applications?
Answer: Alt and Tab
Explanation: Alt and Tab allows you to quickly switch between open applications.Report for correction
4. What shortcut locks the computer screen?
Answer: Windows and L
Explanation: Pressing Windows and L locks your computer immediately.Report for correction
5. How do you take a screenshot of the entire screen?
Answer: Windows and PrtSc
Explanation: Pressing Windows and PrtSc captures the entire screen and saves it in the Pictures folder.Report for correction
6. What shortcut opens Task Manager?
Answer: Ctrl and Shift and Esc
Explanation: Ctrl and Shift and Esc opens Task Manager directly without additional clicks.Report for correction
7. How do you refresh the active window?
Answer: F5
Explanation: Pressing F5 refreshes the active window, whether it's a browser or File Explorer.Report for correction
8. How do you open the Run dialog box?
Answer: Windows and R
Explanation: Windows and R opens the Run dialog box for quick command execution.Report for correction
9. How do you rename a selected file or folder?
Answer: F2
Explanation: Pressing F2 lets you rename a selected file or folder.Report for correction
10. How do you open the Start menu?
Answer: Windows key
Explanation: Pressing the Windows key opens the Start menu.Report for correction
11. How do you close the active window?
Answer: Alt and F4
Explanation: Alt and F4 closes the active window or application.Report for correction
12. How do you maximize the active window?
Answer: Windows and Up Arrow
Explanation: Pressing Windows and Up Arrow maximizes the current window.Report for correction
13. How do you minimize the active window?
Answer: Windows and Down Arrow
Explanation: Pressing Windows and Down Arrow minimizes the current window.Report for correction
14. What is the shortcut to open the Settings app?
Answer: Windows and I
Explanation: Windows and I opens the Settings app instantly.Report for correction
15. How do you open Quick Access (Power User) Menu?
Answer: Windows and X
Explanation: Windows and X opens the Quick Access (Power User) menu.Report for correction
16. How do you open the Clipboard history?
Answer: Windows and V
Explanation: Windows and V opens the clipboard history to access multiple copied items.Report for correction
17. How do you switch between virtual desktops?
Answer: Windows and Ctrl and Left/Right
Explanation: Windows and Ctrl and Left/Right switches between virtual desktops.Report for correction
18. What is the shortcut for opening the Emoji panel?
Answer: Windows and ; (semicolon)
Explanation: Windows and ; opens the emoji panel for quick access.Report for correction
19. How do you open File Explorer’s search bar?
Answer: Ctrl and E
Explanation: Ctrl and E focuses on the search bar inside File Explorer.Report for correction
20. What is the shortcut for opening Windows Terminal?
Answer: Windows and X, then T
Explanation: Windows and X, then T opens Windows Terminal.Report for correction