1. What is the shortcut to open File Explorer in Windows?
2. What shortcut minimizes all open windows?
3. What is the shortcut to switch between open applications?
4. What shortcut locks the computer screen?
5. How do you take a screenshot of the entire screen?
6. What shortcut opens Task Manager?
7. How do you refresh the active window?
8. How do you open the Run dialog box?
9. How do you rename a selected file or folder?
10. How do you open the Start menu?
11. How do you close the active window?
12. How do you maximize the active window?
13. How do you minimize the active window?
14. What is the shortcut to open the Settings app?
15. How do you open Quick Access (Power User) Menu?
16. How do you open the Clipboard history?
17. How do you switch between virtual desktops?
18. What is the shortcut for opening the Emoji panel?
19. How do you open File Explorer’s search bar?
20. What is the shortcut for opening Windows Terminal?
20 uniquely designed questions just for you to evaluate your skills in Windows Keyboard Shortcuts quiz. Are you ready to challenge yourself and explore more? Let's get started and see how much you can score out of 20.
Learn essential shortcuts for productivity, navigation, and multitasking. Perfect for beginners and experts alike
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