1. What is the meaning of the word "Benevolent"?
Explanation: "Benevolent" means having or showing kindness and generosity toward others.
Report for correction2. What does the word "Ubiquitous" mean?
Explanation: "Ubiquitous" refers to something that is present or found everywhere.
Report for correction3. What is the definition of "Conundrum"?
Explanation: A "conundrum" is a puzzling or difficult problem that is often confusing.
Report for correction4. What does the word "Eloquent" mean?
Explanation: "Eloquent" describes someone who is able to express themselves fluently and persuasively in speech or writing.
Report for correction5. What is the meaning of "Pernicious"?
Explanation: "Pernicious" refers to something that is harmful, destructive, or detrimental.
Report for correction6. What does the word "Capricious" mean?
Explanation: "Capricious" describes someone or something that is impulsive and unpredictable in behavior or decisions.
Report for correction7. What is the definition of "Ephemeral"?
Explanation: "Ephemeral" means something that lasts for a very short or brief period.
Report for correction8. What does the word "Meticulous" mean?
Explanation: "Meticulous" describes someone who is extremely careful and precise in their work or attention to detail.
Report for correction9. What is the meaning of "Ambiguous"?
Explanation: "Ambiguous" refers to something that is open to multiple interpretations or has more than one possible meaning.
Report for correction10. What does the word "Sycophant" mean?
Explanation: A "sycophant" is someone who uses excessive flattery or praise to gain favor or approval from others.
Report for correction11. What is the definition of "Lethargic"?
Explanation: "Lethargic" describes someone who is sluggish and lacks energy, often feeling tired or lazy.
Report for correction12. What does the word "Voracious" mean?
Explanation: "Voracious" describes someone who is eager, enthusiastic, or has a strong desire for something, such as knowledge or reading.
Report for correction13. What is the meaning of "Obfuscate"?
Explanation: "Obfuscate" means to deliberately confuse or obscure something, often making it difficult to understand.
Report for correction14. What does the word "Aplomb" mean?
Explanation: "Aplomb" refers to self-confidence and assurance in one's actions or behavior, especially in challenging situations.
Report for correction15. What is the definition of "Loquacious"?
Explanation: "Loquacious" describes someone who is talkative and chatty, often inclined to talk at length.
Report for correction16. What does the word "Esoteric" mean?
Explanation: "Esoteric" refers to something that is mysterious and understood by only a few people, often because it involves specialized knowledge.
Report for correction17. What is the meaning of "Ineffable"?
Explanation: "Ineffable" means something that is so extraordinary or overwhelming that it cannot be expressed in words.
Report for correction18. What does the word "Pernicious" mean?
Explanation: "Pernicious" refers to something that is harmful, destructive, or detrimental.
Report for correction19. What is the definition of "Sycophant"?
Explanation: A "sycophant" is someone who uses excessive flattery or praise to gain favor or approval from others.
Report for correction20. What does the word "Ephemeral" mean?
Explanation: "Ephemeral" means something that lasts for a very short or brief period.
Report for correction21. What is the meaning of "Nefarious"?
Explanation: "Nefarious" describes someone or something that is wicked, villainous, or morally evil.
Report for correction22. What does the word "Pernicious" mean?
Explanation: "Pernicious" refers to something that is harmful, destructive, or detrimental.
Report for correction23. What is the definition of "Loquacious"?
Explanation: "Loquacious" describes someone who is talkative and chatty, often inclined to talk at length.
Report for correction24. What does the word "Ubiquitous" mean?
Explanation: "Ubiquitous" refers to something that is present or found everywhere.
Report for correction25. What is the meaning of "Benevolent"?
Explanation: "Benevolent" means having or showing kindness and generosity toward others.
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