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16 uniquely designed questions just for you to evaluate your skills in Body Parts and Senses quiz. Are you ready to challenge yourself and explore more? Let's get started and see how much you can score out of 16.

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1. How many sense organs do we have?
Answer: 5
Explanation: We have 5 sense organs. They are Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue and Skin.Report for correction
2. Which part of your body do you use to see?


Answer: Eyes
Explanation: You use your eyes to see.Report for correction
3. What do you use to hear sounds?


Answer: Ears
Explanation: You use your ears to hear sounds.Report for correction
4. What is the part of your body that you use to taste food?


Answer: Tongue
Explanation: You use your tongue to taste food.Report for correction
5. Which body part do you use to smell things?


Answer: Nose
Explanation: You use your nose to smell things.Report for correction
6. What part of your body helps you touch and feel things?
Answer: Hands
Explanation: You use your hands to touch and feel things.Report for correction
7. Which sense do you use when you listen to music?
Answer: Hearing
Explanation: You use your hearing sense when you listen to music.Report for correction
8. What sense do you use when you look at a beautiful painting?
Answer: Sight
Explanation: You use your sight sense when you look at a painting.Report for correction
9. Which sense do you use to enjoy the smell of freshly baked cookies?


Answer: Smell
Explanation: You use your sense of smell to enjoy the aroma of cookies.Report for correction
10. What sense do you use to feel the softness of a fluffy teddy bear?
Answer: Touch
Explanation: You use your sense of touch to feel the softness of the teddy bear.Report for correction
11. Which sense helps you enjoy the taste of your favorite ice cream?
Answer: Taste
Explanation: You use your sense of taste to enjoy the flavor of ice cream.Report for correction
12. Which body part helps you read a book?


Answer: Eyes
Explanation: You use your eyes to read a book.Report for correction
13. What sense do you use when you feel a warm hug from your friend?
Answer: Touch
Explanation: You use your sense of touch to feel the warm hug.Report for correction
14. What body part do you use to smell the flowers in a garden?


Answer: Nose
Explanation: You use your nose to smell the flowers.Report for correction
15. Which sense do you use to enjoy the sound of birds chirping?
Answer: Hearing
Explanation: You use your sense of hearing to enjoy the sounds of birdsReport for correction
16. What part of your body do you use to taste a delicious fruit?


Answer: Tongue
Explanation: You use your tongue to taste the fruit.Report for correction