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25 uniquely designed questions just for you to evaluate your skills in Fun Science Experiments quiz. Are you ready to challenge yourself and explore more? Let's get started and see how much you can score out of 25.

Test your knowledge of exciting experiments, curious phenomena, and basic scientific principles. Discover the wonders of chemistry, physics, and more while answering these multiple-choice questions. Get ready to unleash your inner scientist

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1. What happens when you mix vinegar and baking soda in a bottle?
Answer: It forms a volcano-like eruption
Explanation: Mixing vinegar and baking soda in a bottle creates a chemical reaction that releases carbon dioxide gas, resulting in a bubbly eruption, similar to a volcano.Report for correction
2. What happens to a balloon when you rub it against your hair and then hold it near small pieces of paper?
Answer: The paper pieces are attracted to the balloon
Explanation: When a balloon is rubbed against hair, it becomes charged with static electricity, which attracts small, lightweight objects like pieces of paper.Report for correction
3. Which liquid is commonly used to make a rainbow in a glass?


Answer: Milk
Explanation: Mixing different food coloring in milk can create a colorful display that resembles a rainbow due to the properties of surface tension and density.Report for correction
4. What happens when you place a peeled banana in lemon juice?
Answer: The banana turns brown
Explanation: When a peeled banana is exposed to air, it undergoes oxidation, turning brown. Lemon juice can slow down this process due to its citric acid content.Report for correction
5. What is the primary gas that makes a balloon float in the air?
Answer: Helium
Explanation: Helium is less dense than air, which makes it buoyant and causes balloons filled with helium to float.Report for correction
6. When you mix oil and water, what happens?
Answer: They separate into two layers
Explanation: Oil and water do not mix because they have different densities and polarities, causing them to form distinct layers when combined.Report for correction
7. What causes a rainbow to form in the sky?
Answer: The reflection of sunlight off water droplets
Explanation: Rainbows are formed when sunlight is refracted (bent) and internally reflected inside water droplets, creating a spectrum of colors.Report for correction
8. What happens when you mix baking soda and water?
Answer: It turns into a gas and bubbles
Explanation: Mixing baking soda and water produces carbon dioxide gas, resulting in a fizzy reaction with bubbles.Report for correction
9. What do you get when you mix red and blue colors together?
Answer: Purple
Explanation: Mixing red and blue colors together typically results in the color purple.Report for correction
10. Which gas do plants absorb from the air during photosynthesis?
Answer: Carbon dioxide
Explanation: Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air during photosynthesis and use it to make glucose and oxygen.Report for correction
11. What happens when you freeze water?
Answer: It becomes a solid ice
Explanation: When you freeze water, it changes from a liquid to a solid state and becomes ice.Report for correction
12. What is the process of water changing into vapor due to heat called?
Answer: Evaporation
Explanation: Evaporation is the process by which water changes into vapor when exposed to heat.Report for correction
13. What happens when you mix mentos candy with soda?
Answer: It produces a foamy eruption
Explanation: Mixing mentos candy with soda causes a rapid release of carbon dioxide gas, resulting in a foamy eruption.Report for correction
14. What causes the Earth to have day and night?
Answer: The rotation of the Earth on its axis
Explanation: The Earth's rotation on its axis causes the cycle of day and night as different parts of the planet are exposed to sunlight.Report for correction
15. What is the process of water droplets forming on a cold surface called?
Answer: Condensation
Explanation: Condensation is the process of water vapor turning into liquid water droplets on a cold surface.Report for correction
16. Which gas do humans primarily breathe out when they exhale?
Answer: Carbon dioxide
Explanation: Humans primarily exhale carbon dioxide as a waste product of respiration.Report for correction
17. What happens when you place a coin in a glass of water?
Answer: The coin sinks to the bottom
Explanation: Coins are denser than water, so they sink when placed in a glass of water.Report for correction
18. What is the process of a liquid turning into a gas called?
Answer: Evaporation
Explanation: Evaporation is the process of a liquid turning into a gas, typically due to heat.Report for correction
19. What is the main purpose of a magnifying glass?
Answer: To make things appear larger
Explanation: A magnifying glass is used to magnify and enlarge objects, making them appear larger and more detailed.Report for correction
20. Which fruit can be used to generate electricity in a simple experiment?


Answer: Banana
Explanation: A banana can be used as a source of electricity in a simple experiment because it contains electrolytes.Report for correction
21. What do you get when you mix red and yellow colors together?


Answer: Orange
Explanation: Mixing red and yellow colors together typically results in the color orange.Report for correction
22. What happens to a paper towel when you place one end in water and the other end hanging outside the glass?
Answer: The water climbs up the paper towel through capillary action
Explanation: Capillary action causes water to move up the paper towel, wetting the dry part of the towel.Report for correction
23. What is the main function of a telescope?
Answer: To observe distant objects in space
Explanation: Telescopes are primarily used to observe and study distant objects in space, such as stars, planets, and galaxies.Report for correction
24. What do you get when you mix red and green colors together?
Answer: Brown
Explanation: Mixing red and green colors together typically results in the color brown.Report for correction
25. What causes the sound of thunder in a thunderstorm?
Answer: Lightning
Explanation: The sound of thunder is caused by the rapid expansion of air due to the intense heat of lightning during a thunderstorm.Report for correction