1. Which is the correct spelling refers to something happening by chance or unintentionally?
Explanation: Accidental refers to something happening by chance or unintentionally, without deliberate planning or foresight.
Report for correction2. Which word is spelled correctly to refer make adjustments or provide space?
Explanation: To accommodate means to make adjustments or provide space for someone or something..
Report for correction3. Which word is spelled correctly which refers to successfully complete a task?
Explanation: Accomplish means to successfully complete a task, goal, or objective, often achieving a desired result through effort and action..
Report for correction4. Identify the correct spelling refers to gather?
Explanation: Accumulate means to gather, collect, or build up something over time, resulting in the gradual increase of quantity or value..
Report for correction5. Identify the correct spelling refers to a successful and noteworthy accomplishment?
Explanation: Achievement refers to a successful and noteworthy accomplishment or attainment of a goal, often requiring effort, skill, and determination..
Report for correction6. Which word is spelled correctly which describes behavior that is assertive forceful?
Explanation: Aggressive describes behavior that is assertive forceful or hostile in nature often involving a determined pursuit of goals or objectives..
Report for correction7. Identify the correct spelling refers to express regret?
Explanation: Apologize means to express regret or say sorry for a mistake, offense, or wrongdoing, showing remorse and acknowledging responsibility..
Report for correction8. Choose the correctly spelled word refers to something that is very strange?
Explanation: Bizarre refers to something that is very strange, unconventional, or out of the ordinary in an intriguing or puzzling way.
Report for correction9. Choose the correctly spelled word refers to a complex and often rigid administrative system?
Explanation: Bureaucracy refers to a complex and often rigid administrative system or structure characterized by hierarchy, rules, regulations, and formal procedures..
Report for correction10. Which word is spelled correctly refers to a person's inner sense of what is morally right or wrong?
Explanation: Conscience refers to a person's inner sense of what is morally right or wrong, influencing their actions and decisions.
Report for correction11. Which is the correct spelling describes someone who is diligent?
Explanation: Conscientious describes someone who is diligent, careful, and attentive to their duties, responsibilities, and tasks, often striving to do them correctly and thoroughly..
Report for correction12. Which word is spelled correctly which refers to something that is designed to make tasks or situations easier?
Explanation: Convenience refers to something that is designed to make tasks or situations easier and more suitable, often providing comfort and efficiency..
Report for correction13. Choose the proper spelling refers to something that is suited to one's ease?
Explanation: Convenient refers to something that is suited to one's ease, comfort, or needs, making tasks or situations easier to handle..
Report for correction14. Which of these is the right spelling refers without a doubt or certainly?
Explanation: Definitely means without a doubt or certainly, expressing strong assurance or affirmation.
Report for correction15. Identify the correctly spelled word refers to a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives?
Explanation: Dilemma refers to a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, each having potential consequences or challenges.
Report for correction16. Choose the correctly spelled word describes something that causes great harm?
Explanation: Disastrous describes something that causes great harm, damage, or destruction, often resulting in serious negative consequences..
Report for correction17. Choose the proper spelling refers to a controlled and orderly behavior?
Explanation: Discipline refers to a controlled and orderly behavior or approach, often involving self-control, training, and adherence to rules or guidelines..
Report for correction18. Which of these is spelled correctly refers to altering one's appearance?
Explanation: Disguise refers to altering one's appearance, identity, or intentions to appear different from reality, often for purposes of deception or concealment.
Report for correction19. Choose the correctly spelled word refers to spread or distribute information?
Explanation: Disseminate means to spread or distribute information, knowledge, or ideas widely and to a large audience, often through various channels or methods..
Report for correction20. Choose the correctly spelled word refers to cause discomfort?
Explanation: Embarrass means to cause discomfort, self-consciousness, or awkwardness to someone due to a situation, action, or remark..
Report for correction21. Choose the proper spelling refers to a feeling of self-consciousness?
Explanation: Embarrassment refers to a feeling of self-consciousness, discomfort, or awkwardness caused by a situation, action, or remark that may draw unwanted attention or scrutiny..
Report for correction22. Identify the correct spelling refers to decorate, enhance?
Explanation: Embellish means to decorate, enhance, or add decorative details to something to make it more attractive or elaborate..
Report for correction23. Identify the correct spelling refers to overstate or overemphasize something?
Explanation: Exaggerate means to overstate or overemphasize something, making it seem more significant, intense, or extreme than it actually is..
Report for correction24. Which is the correct spelling refers to a act of overstating?
Explanation: Exaggeration is the act of overstating or magnifying something, often to make it appear more dramatic, intense, or extreme than it actually is..
Report for correction25. Choose the proper spelling refers to make someone feel excited?
Explanation: Exhilarate means to make someone feel excited, lively, or invigorated, often through enjoyable experiences or activities..
Report for correction26. Which of these is spelled correctly to refer a promise or assurance?
Explanation: Guarantee is a promise or assurance of certainty or quality, often provided by a person or entity to ensure that something will happen as expected or agreed upon..
Report for correction27. Which of these is spelled correctly which describes something that is absolutely necessary?
Explanation: Indispensable describes something that is absolutely necessary or essential, and cannot be done without or replaced..
Report for correction28. Which of these is spelled correctly refers to free time?
Explanation: Leisure refers to free time or time when one is not working, allowing for relaxation, enjoyment, and pursuing hobbies or interests..
Report for correction29. Choose the proper spelling refers to a skillful and strategic movement or action?
Explanation: Maneuver refers to a skillful and strategic movement or action, often used to navigate through challenges, obstacles, or complex situations..
Report for correction30. Choose the correctly spelled word refers to a period of one thousand years?
Explanation: Millennium refers to a period of one thousand years, often used to mark significant historical, cultural, or technological shifts..
Report for correction31. Identify the correct spelling refers to a collection of diverse or varied items?
Explanation: Miscellaneous refers to a collection of diverse or varied items or things that do not belong to a specific category or group..
Report for correction32. Identify the correct spelling which indicates something that is required?
Explanation: Necessary indicates something that is required, essential, or needed for a particular purpose or situation..
Report for correction33. Identify the correct spelling refers to a specific event?
Explanation: Occasion refers to a specific event, time, or circumstance that is significant or noteworthy.
Report for correction34. Identify the correct spelling to refer happening from time to time or infrequently?
Explanation: Occasionally means happening from time to time or infrequently, not on a regular basis.
Report for correction35. Choose the proper spelling to refer something happened or took place?
Explanation: Occurred means that something happened or took place, often at a specific time or location.
Report for correction36. Identify the correct spelling refers to an event which happend at a particular time?
Explanation: Occurrence refers to an event, incident, or happening that takes place at a particular time or in a specific context..
Report for correction37. Identify the correct spelling refers to a favorable or suitable moment?
Explanation: Opportunity refers to a favorable or suitable moment, situation, or chance that allows for advancement, growth, or accomplishment of goals..
Report for correction38. Select the right spelling refers to two or more things that are running or moving alongside each other?
Explanation: Parallel refers to two or more things that are running or moving alongside each other in a consistent and equidistant manner..
Report for correction39. Identify the correct spelling refers to the quality of persisting?
Explanation: Perseverance refers to the quality of persisting and continuing with determination despite challenges, obstacles, or difficulties..
Report for correction40. Identify the correct spelling refers to a special advantage?
Explanation: Privilege refers to a special advantage, right, or benefit that is granted to a particular individual or group, often based on factors like social status, position, or circumstance..
Report for correction41. Which word is spelled correctly to refer accept or get something that is given?
Explanation: Receive means to accept or get something that is given, sent, or presented to you..
Report for correction42. Choose the proper spelling of a place where meals are prepared, served?
Explanation: Restaurant is a place where meals are prepared, served, and consumed, often offering a variety of food and beverages to customers..
Report for correction43. Which is the proper spelling refers to keep distinct or apart?
Explanation: Separate means to keep distinct or apart, to divide or disconnect things or ideas from each other.
Report for correction44. Which is the correct spelling refers to be comprehensive, complete?
Explanation: Thorough means to be comprehensive, complete, or detailed in a careful and meticulous manner..
Report for correction45. Choose the proper spelling to refer something that is not needed?
Explanation: Unnecessary means something that is not needed, required, or essential, and could be avoided or omitted without affecting the desired outcome.
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